Why go organic?
Because you deserve food you can trust

What is Organic?
Organic means growing food naturally, without chemicals or additives—just the way nature intended.
Give children the best start in life
Organic diets are rich in nutrients important for child brain development.
Did you know? Kids who eat organic have better memory and score better on intelligence tests!
Putting organic food on the table means providing your child with the best start in life.
Cut cancer risk
Cancer is scary.
But did you know that organic diets are one of the best research-backed ways to protect yourself?
Studies show that eating organic regularly could prevent 1 in 4 cancer cases—and even 1 in 3 breast cancer cases after menopause
So what are you waiting for? Grab that organic carrot!
Help manage your weight
Do you ever find it so hard to lose weight no matter what you eat or how much you exercise?
It may not be your fault! Chemical pesticides can affect your body's ability to cut fat by affecting your hormones.
Studies show that 1 in 3 obese people could be at normal weights if they ate organic often!
Heal your body, stay young
Eat as nature intended without chemicals and allow your body to heal itself.
Organic is packed with antioxidants which fight bad free-radicals in the body, responsible for ageing and a whole range of problems.
But can't I just wash pesticides off?
Pesticides don't wash off so easily because they go inside the plant skins and are designed to strongly resist water!
After washing, usually around half of the pesticides still remain - if the farmer who grew your food used a lot of pesticides this can be really unsafe.
Going organic is the stress free (and cool) way to protect yourself from pesticides!
But doesn't organic have pesticides too?
Organic uses 100% natural ingredients such as herbal extracts, healthy soil microbiomes, and bugs that eat other bugs.
These are very different from the man-made chemical pesticides used in non-organic farming, which are factory made & formulated to kill bugs & plant diseases.
Unfortunately, many of these chemicals have been found to be toxic, and hard to remove from your body and nature.
Organic benefits from being entirely natural - breaking down and working just as mother nature intended.